Monday, June 16, 2008

The Slaughter Rule

No, I'm not referring to the 2002 movie scored by Jay Farrar of Uncle Tupelo fame. I refer instead to that which is also known as the Mercy Rule. It allows the losing team to not feel forced to play out an obviously losing and perhaps embarrassing game. It can be used in sports and games,so why not in life? In poker one has the option to fold (or bluff) when dealt a bad hand. If a movie sucks, one can get up and leave. A bad meal at a restaurant, "check please!" So why is just the mere thought of someone making an "early exit" so socially unacceptable? Why is Jack Kevorkian so vilified? What of free will and the pursuit of happiness? Freedom of choice should refer to so much more than just a Devo album. Oh but I digress,perhaps a better rule to employ would be that "Do Over" thing so often used in child's play. Who knows? Gotta go now, sooo sleepy.

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