Monday, June 16, 2008

Goldie Hawn is full of shit!

Aspen is Full of Paparazzi? Either Goldie is as sick and delusional as Britney, or she's trying to create a buzz about herself. I guess it worked.She's in the press for the first time since god knows when. What a dumb bitch. Does she really think anyone gives a damn about her has-been ass? When I start to think the paparazzi are stalking me, I just take (or sometimes stop) my meds. Maybe she's right. Maybe the press is after photos of her and her children (32,29,and 22 years old) like they were with other celebs and their kids.Maybe she needs to get knocked up like Jamie-Lynn. If she were to give birth at 62 that might warrant some press. Perhaps a "Tony (Randall) award". As for Dr Phil, I get the impression he's just jumping into the middle of a hot topic for his own gain, like Jesse and Al. I must give Ms. Hawn some credit.I doubt that I'd of ever blogged about her before this recent cry for attention. Maybe she should go to rehab,that makes headlines.

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